Thursday, April 16, 2009

Those Rolling Stones

Well, they're back. The kidney stones have returned. I'm in between bouts of pain right now, so let's see if I can get a blog out here before they attack again.

I had my first kidney stone attack 4 or 5 years ago. I remember I ate a French Dip sub at Arby's one night (that's an important thing to retain in my memory, now isn't it?) and afterward felt like someone was blowing a balloon up inside my stomach, back and chest. (I would not recommend trying that at home, because it is not nearly as much fun as it may sound.) Finally one morning I was at work and couldn't stand it any longer. So I got my coat and went in to tell my boss (who was in a meeting at the time) that I was going to the emergency room. Honestly, you would have thought that I had just walked in the room with both my arms cut off. I guess that is because typically I will not go see the doctor until death is imminent. So I really freaked them out when I announce I was voluntarily heading that way.

My boss grabbed her coat and told me to come on. I kept arguing that I could drive myself until the argument became very unconvincing because I was in so much pain I couldn't breathe anymore. Bless her heart, she drives me all the way to Shelby (about 25-30 minutes) because I refused to go to Bucyrus. We get to the door of the emergency room...and miraculously the pain stops. She very calmly looks at me and informs me that one way or another I am getting out of the car and going in the hospital.

I must say, she's a very convincing lady.

Soon I was getting poked and prodded and diagnosed as a Kidney Stone-ee. Eventually I had to be "blasted" (they shoot a little laser into ya to bust the thing up. Which also is not nearly as fun as it may sound). Oh, and I found out I had a stone also in the OTHER kidney. Not to worry though, according to my doctor they only blast one at a time so in case they damage one you still have a good one to live with. Are you understanding now why I don't go to doctors voluntarily?

So, another year goes by before the second one decides to dislodge from it's little spot in my internal organ. This time it felt like someone had rammed a samurai sword through my back. Which was really nice considering I was on the phone with an agent at the time. Honestly, I have only ever had pain like that once before. (Ever have a nerve explode in your tooth??) So, back to the doctor and blast away again.

Every so often since then I get a little twinge here and there. Today was a bad one. So I'm sucking down water and lemonade to try and flush the little bugger out...which means I'll spend half the night in the bathroom and half the night tossing and turning until I get rid of this thing. So....I hate to end rather abruptly here but I feel the little guy starting up another dance party. Guess it's time to get my groove on and try to move him out!

Until we meet again...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better this morning...I hate that you have to go through all that pain. Praying for you!
