Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Week Down...

Having a little "blog block" tonight...can't really settle on anything in particular to write about. Got a wild week ahead...have to go play for 2 singing groups Monday and Tuesday at a revival in Mansfield, our church Wednesday, Thursday Mom, Heather and I are going to see "To Kill A Mockingbird" (can't wait!), not sure about Friday but may go to a concert, Saturday is Shelby's Track Invitational (may go down a while) and our church Easter Egg hunt, then Sunday is Sunrise Service, Breakfast, Sunday School, Church, dinner, then Church again.

WHEW!! I'm tired just talking about it!

We do get to reunite with our little bubby (he loves it when I call him that!) Adam Friday as he is home for Easter. Then it will just be 3 more weeks and he will be done with his first year of college! That is unbelievable to me!! It seems like just yesterday he was about 4 years old running around the house driving us all crazy and making us laugh all at the same time. Man...time moves too fast...

Well, I know it wasn't very exciting tonight, but thus ends another blog. Tomorrow is another day....

1 comment:

  1. I love "To Kill a Mockingbird"! Have read it many times, hope you and Heather have a great time:) Tell Adam I said "'Ello!" (using a British accent)
