Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lazy Day

I was a slug today.

I didn't mean to be...the day started out really good actually. Got up about 8:30 and took a bath, started straightening up the apt. Was feeling good until about 11:00. Then I felt it starting...

The Crash.

I just do that sometimes. It's like my body says "I've gone as hard as I can go for as long as I can, so I'm stopping now. You do what you want, but I am not going with you." I really have no control at that point. It hadn't been as bad since the doctor put me on the blood pressure meds, but apparently even that has its limitations. And this weather (which is freezing up here right now) is sending my sinuses into fits. Thank God for Sinex...

So I slept like...a lot today. I attempted to get in some physical activity by pulling up one of our on-demand channels and watching an exercise show. Watching. From the couch. I mean, I couldn't even make myself sit up. How sad is that when you're just laying on the couch watching other people exercise. I'm sure I burned many calories like that!

So...since I slept all day, I will probably not sleep well tonight, and the whole sleep/function cycle is all messed up. But then again, maybe I won't have as much trouble as I think. This blogging thing tonight is wearing me out.

I think maybe I need just a short nap...

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