Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Great Day

So, I just get into work today when my boss's boss shows up at my desk. He says "I need you to come see me at 9:00. Are you free?" It's always lovely to have a superior start a conversation with you like that. So I tell him yes...and ask him if he would like to give me a clue as to what the meeting might be about. (I used to report directly to him too, so he pretty much is used to my "style" by now.) Sure...he has a special project that he knows I'll really enjoy doing. Mmm-hmm. Can't wait to hear this one.

So at 9 I meander upstairs. Turns out he has to give a presentation to an insurance board in a few weeks about marketing strategies for various age groups. He thinks it would be cool to do a video of three groups...A Baby Boomer, A Generation X'er, and A Generation Y'er. And he wants me to do the video for him.

I've become kind of the video guru over there since the day Dona (my boss) asked me if we could film a message from our CSR's to show at an agent's meeting. I said "Sure, I can do that." Actually, I had no idea if I could do that. (Well, I thought I probably could, so...close enough.) Thankfully I was right, and now they've got me doing these video things all the time. (I just told Dona recently that I really had no idea when she asked me that if I could do it or not. Now every time she asks me about something new it's always followed by "And you better tell me the truth!" She just needs to trust me more...)

So, as we talk he starts defining what ages belong to which groups. A Boomer is anyone who was born (by his data) before 1965. So then he looks at me and says..."That's your age group, right?"


"Uhm, excuse me Randy...just how old do you think I am??" Boy, did he start scrambling on that one. Then he informed that there are reasons why he never tries to approach a woman's age without knowing for sure. I told him I thought that was a wise philosophy.

And that he might want to follow it a bit closer.

So, things are going really well here...I now have another project that will probably take up most of the weekend to accomplish and my Vice President thinks I'm at least 8 years older than I actually am.

Yep, it's been a great day...


  1. Muwahahahahahahahahaaha(breath)whahahahahahahahahaha! That, dear Becky, would be my hysterical laugh.

  2. I know you can do these things. After all I was only 14 when you were born, so I 've known you a long time.
