Monday, April 6, 2009


Today is April 6th. I have 2 things to say about that. First, I think it's utterly ridiculous that I just drove home in a hail storm blizzard. I'm not kidding, I almost had to stop once because I couldn't even see the road. And I still have little snow ice balls falling out of my hair where I got covered up trying to get into the apartment. Cursed Ohio weather!!

The second thing I have to say about that is...I have to do my taxes.

I don't know why I procrastinate doing my taxes. I do it nearly every year. It's not that I have to pay...I actually get a refund. And it's not that it's difficult...I can do my own on one of those computer tax program things. I just put it off. Then here I am, 9 days before the deadline blogging about having to do my taxes. Perhaps it's because I just spend all day doing paperwork and can't stand the thoughts of doing anything else like that again when I get home. Or perhaps I feel that I'm spreading out a monetary windfall by delaying the reception of my money.

But, more than likely, it's just because I'm a procrastinator.

Actually, I sell myself a little short. I have always had procrastinatory (leave it alone, it's a new word I just made up!) tendencies. But I have gotten better over the last little bit. I find when you're not so run down that you really don't care if you even lay down in the middle of a highway to take a nap, you can get a lot more done in life. And I have been feeling some better. So I have been getting a bit more done lately. And it feels good to get it done. But there are still those moments. And for some reason, they usually involve my taxes. And laundry. But that's another story... :)

So...I guess I better get to moving before Uncle Sam comes tracking me down.

Of course, by now it's nearly 11:00 and I'm extremely tired.

So....Maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow. There's still plenty of time....

1 comment:

  1. Leigh Anna (my "other" cousin :) called me last night to ride into to town with her....the purpose of the drive you ask?? To drop her taxes off!!! You two must meet;)
