Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fast Food Folly

It's a great American Institution. I don't know where the first one was founded, but it had to have come from the entrepreneurial spirit that has guided pioneers through this great nation for many years...the drive, the passion...the Appetite. Yes, I'm talking about the fabulous entity known as the Fast Food Joint. We took opportunity to visit one last night on our way home from church. After about 20 minutes in line for our "fast food" (yes, that is noted with sarcasm) we started reminiscing about some of our favorite fast food moments. Honestly, it's a wonder some of these places stay in business.

Last year we were in DC for vacation. Heading back to our house one night we decided to make a run for the border and visit The Bell. We were hungry. Very Hungry. We sat in line about, oh...20 minutes again and finally made it up to the little speakerbox. Heather was driving so she shouts in the first order - "I want a number one combo with a Mou..." That's all she got out when the voice in the little speakerbox blares out - "I'm sorry, we don't have any combo meals tonight."


That's exactly what Heather said. "WHAT?" "Yeah," retorts the little box, "we don't have any combo meals." So Heather asks the next logical question.."Can we order just a burrito and taco separately." "Sure" responds the little box. I think we've fallen into the twilight zone. What kind of nutso conversation is this?? So Heather says, "OooKKk....give me a burrito, taco and Mountain Dew." "Uhm...", the little box revs up again..."We don't have any ice either." Seriously...I mean, for the love of pete. So - we make a collective family decision to ditch the bell and head on down the road. Easier said than done. It's one of those drive-thrus where you're trapped in line until the idiots in front of you who apparently ordered $457 worth of individual tacos (remember, no combo meals) get their order first. We were glad to think back "inside the bun" and chomp on nuggets from Wendys!

Up until that time the stupidest comment I ever heard at a FFJ came from the King's palace itself...Burger King. It's crucial you remember the name of this place. Burger King. Heather and I walk up the counter and get ready to give our order when the guy waiting on us says.."Before you order, you might want to know...we don't have any meat tonight." And then he just stands there like that was the most natural thing in the world to have told us. Heather and I look at each other rather quizzically, and finally I say to him "no meat?" And He calmly responds "no meat." I said "uhm...isn't this (everyone say it with me) Burger King?" He said "Yeah...kind of ironic, isn't it?" So I say.."OK, that's weird. But, we really just wanted onion rings anyway." To which he replies "Oh, I should have told you...we're out of onion rings too." Why of course...we absolutely should have seen that one coming. So, we end up just ordering drinks and dreaming about eating actual food.

I guess we should have been grateful that at least they had ice...


  1. HAhahahahahahaha! Seriously, this is my new favorite post! You know about my Taco Bell experience...Wendy's is FOREVER out of french fries and baked potatoes....our Taco Bell was out of meat one time....but each time the voice comes through the speaker and says these things, everyone in the vehicle looks in wonderment at each other...it always takes us off guard...love it Becky!

  2. I would post some witty saying, but since I was part of the conversation last night, there's not much else to say...
