Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Conversations with Momma

My Mom has many talents. Sewing, cooking, crafting, general insanity. However, there are some things that give her trouble. Electronics can sometimes be one of them. Tonight was a classic example. She was trying to download a picture of the big purple dress she recently worked on. So she calls me 'cause it's not working. I try to help. The conversation goes roughly something like this:

Me: "OK mom, find the USB cable that fits that camera and hook it into the computer. It should start up automatically for you then."

Mom: "What's an SUV cable?"

Me: "No, not SUV...USB"

Mom: "OK. What's it look like"

Me: "It's probably black. One end fits into the computer...like the one that you use for your Zune..."

Mom: "Oh, it has those ends?"

Me: ??? "Yeah...I guess..."

Mom: "You mean the one like goes into the end of the white one with the prong things?"

Me: "I have no idea what you're talking about"

Mom: "You know, the Zune"

Me: (dear lord) "Mom, what do you charge your Zune with? Do you know that cord that you use?"

Mom: "Yeah, with the white prong thing!"

Me: (finally getting that she's talking about an AC adaptor that the USB cord hooks into) "Yes - that's the one. There's a cord like that for your camera too. You have to find that one."

Mom: "Can I use the one for the Zune?"

Me: "No...it won't fit"

Mom: "Are you sure?"

Me: "Yes, mom...I'm sure. One of the ends is too big. You have to find the one for the camera."

Mom: "OK. Where is it?"

Me: "Well, I really don't know. Is it with the bag?"

Mom: "The bag"

Me: "Yeah...the bag you carry the camera in"

Mom: "I'll look" (sounds of shuffling and drawers opening and shutting) "No...it's not here. OH, here's a tape I can listen to that came with it. I have to see this. Wait...here's the box." (More sounds of shuffling) "I can't get the box open. Who made this box?? Why did they put it together like this?? Oh, there, it's open. What is this white plastic thing? I don't see a cord. Would it be under...what is this for? Oh, don't need that. OK...no, it's not in the box."

Me: "OK, well, I don't know where it is then..."

Mom: "Are you sure the Zune won't work?"

Me: "Yes mom, I'm sure"

Mom: "I see a circle on the camera. Is that where it goes?"

Me: "I don't think so. USB sockets are not usually circles. There should be another spot."

Mom: "I don't see it."

Me: "You probably have to pull open a little rubber or plastic cover to find it."

Mom: "There is no rubber cover. Oh...is...oh...Wait, here's a hole. Does it have those teeth things down on it?"

Me: ".........what????........"

Mom: "Those things like teeth...you know."

Me: "I.....I really don't know Mom"

Mom: "OK, well, I'll just have to wait until you come over then."

Me: "OK...we'll take care of it then."

Yep, just a typical conversation on a typical night.

I'm not worried though, because I know I'll be able to get the photo loaded for her.

Especially since I just found her "SUV" cord in a group of stuff that I brought over here to my apartment.

Go figure.


  1. Laughing myself silly at 6:45 am...that's what you do for me Becky!!

  2. you made me search all over this house and pull things out of every drawer I have looking for my "suv" cord when you had it all the time. Gonna shoot you. Love mom
