Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter is a very special time. We always have a sunrise service at our church, so you have to get up before the crack of dawn. Though I'm usually very tired, I still enjoy doing that at this time of the year. There has never once been an Easter morning that I can remember that the birds weren't singing at the top of their little lungs. I had my window open this morning, and that was the first thing I heard. It makes me think of Dad...he always loved to listen to the birds on Easter Sunday. It also always makes me think that must of been what the first Easter was like...the little birds getting up early to tell the world about a risen Saviour. They've been faithful to the job ever since!

I love seeing the little kids come to Sunrise Service in their jammies because mom and dad probably just drug them out of bed to get there. Though we didn't have any little girls in their curlers this year. (There's usually always at least one!) Sometime after the early service, breakfast and the regular service they then magically transform into frilly little dresses and slick little 3 piece suits. Cute little memories!

We always have a breakfast between the 2 services as well. So I'm usually making my normal sausage cheese English muffins at 5 in the morning. (That's not a pretty sight, but I get it done! Although I'm disappointed that they ate all mine before I get to them this year!) There's typically plenty of food to choose from...more than we need! And with us all supposed to be on diets this year (we have a church weight loss program going) there's a lot of comparisons about who is eating what...although it hardly deters any of us from eating it anyway! Everyone was very diligent about weighing in before breakfast though I noticed!

This year after church we headed home for our traditional meal of ham, potato salad, baked beans, broccoli & rice casserole, deviled eggs and crescent rolls (which were a little black this year, but still edible.) Then Bub had to get ready to head back to Akron, and the rest of us had to find a bed! Aunt Betty had been staying with Diana in Columbus, so she called and told mom she'd like to come spend the night with her. Heather and I head over that way after the evening service to see her and Benjamin (her little dog) for a while. Now it's bedtime and off to another week.

My oh my....where does the time go?!

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