Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I've Had Better Nights...

Last night was a rough night. Wanna hear about it? (If not...stop reading now... :) )

I hate waking up sick in the middle of the night. Because it's always nights when I'm extremely tired and have usually laid down thinking "I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep." Perhaps if I just stopped thinking this I wouldn't have such problems. Though I highly doubt it. And anyway, I usually think it before I realize that I've thought it, so that theory can never be proven. See...I haven't had enough sleep. I always ramble like this when sleep deprived...

So, it started around 1:30 or so. I'll spare you the details, but it was a get up, spend time in the bathroom, try to lay back down...and in about 1/2 hour or so go through the routine again. Misery.

So about the third round of this little game I'm staggering through the dark and suddenly feel a stabbing pain in my foot. What in the world is that?? OK, now I'm in the bathroom in the dark because I didn't turn on the light, I can't step down on my foot and I left my glasses in the other room so I'm basically blind. I start feeling the bottom of my foot and realize my hand is suddenly wet. Great...I'm bleeding. Oh, that could be coming from the shard of glass that has embedded itself by the base of my toes. Good Grief, where did that come from?! I can feel it, but can't get it out. And actually, it feels like it's driving in deeper. So I tell myself - don't panic...there's a pair of tweezers around here somewhere....OK - found them, now carefully find the glass and pull it out. Yeah, just like playing "Operation" when we were kids. Except the sound of the buzzer and his nose lighting up when you touched the side is now replaced by me yelping as the glass comes out. **sigh**

Well, I waller through the rest of the night and finally just get up at 6. My morning routine that normally takes 30 minutes lasts about an hour and 30 minutes. No contacts eyes won't hear of it. Finally I head out. Now, once I get out of the Shelby City limits, there is nothing but farmland and stray dogs on my way to work. So any "problems" I may be having needs to be under control or else it gets really ugly about halfway there, if you know what I mean. I got about 3 minutes past the fail-safe line, and the system started malfunctioning again. So I do a fast u-turn and head back to mom's. (Thank God she lives on that side of town.) I fly into her house and visit her bathroom a while. Call my boss...gonna be late. She assures me it's fine...just stay home if I need to. Ah, too much to do...better try to get there. I should have listened to her. What a miserable day as well.

The only upside to all of this....surely tonight and tomorrow has to be better, right?

Well, here's to praying for that, anyway!

May you all have a misery-free day ahead!

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