Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bad Times To Do Stupid Things

Have you ever noticed that very often whenever we (meaning anyone qualifying as human) do something really stupid, it's many times at the worst possible moment or under the worst scenarios we could have picked? We call it irony. I think God calls it a good chuckle.

Today I had to take my boss and another manager to the Columbus airport, as they are flying to San Antonio (even as I'm typing this.) Well first, my boss was a bit frazzled this morning. Our opening conversation of the day started with her spewing out something like this..."I-can't-believe-we're-leaving-at-2:00-I'm-not-even-packed-I-don't-even-have-my-suitcase-out-I-have-meetings-all-morning-I-have-a-hair-appt-at-noon-I-need-to-get-baggies-for-the-kids-lunches-and-apples-and-caramel-that-you-can-only-buy-at-Wal-mart....."

OK...this is going to be a long day.

So, I give her the old "Don't worry about a thing, we'll get it all done, it will all be OK" speech (even though I was thinking we'd both probably be dead by noon trying to hold it all together), and then we head off into the day.

Well, we got through all the meetings, then I sent her off to get her hair done and pack and I went to Wal-mart for her. This was my second trip there today. I had previously visited at 7:00 a.m. because I realize halfway to work that I have something stained all over my shirt. So, Wally gets more of my money as I purchase some new duds, and I look at least halfway presentable for the day. Or at least until lunch when I'll probably spill something all over me anyway.

So - I drop off her baggies/apples/caramel at her house, grab a bite to eat, then at 2 load up Rhonda (the manager) in the car and we head out to pick up Dona (the boss). Soon we're all in and down the road we go. Now, I'm driving a company car. Which I hardly ever drive. And this thing has a touchy brake and gas pedal. And the weather is kind of insane today. Honestly...one moment the sun was warm and bright, then suddenly it's hailing. Then it turns to rain. Then the wind about knocks you over. Then it's hailing again. It was bizarre.

So, we're heading down 23 about to pick up 270. I'm not familiar with this route, so I ask Rhonda how close I am to 270. She says "Mmmm - it's right up there. You need to get in the right lane." OK, I'm sitting at a red light with 93 cars beside me in the right lane. There's no way I'm ever going to get over in time to make the exit. So I tell them, "Hold on..I'm going to gun it when this light changes and get in front of those cars." Sounded like a good plan. Too bad I didn't let the car in on it. The light changes, I hit the gas.....And tore like 3 layers of rubber off the tires. Rhonda and Dona both about jump out of their skin. And I must have really caught the other cars off guard, because they didn't even move. No exaggeration....I was probably 300 feet up the road before I saw any of them even start to take off.

Good Grief...how embarrassing.

I have never, ever once "burned rubber" in a car. Not, that is, until I get into a company car with my boss and another manager sitting in it with me.

Now I could say it was because the road was wet. Or possibly because there was a lot of weight in the back with their luggage back there. But actually...Yeah...I think God was just having a good chuckle today.

I will say that fortunately my boss is a pretty laid back lady and she found it rather humorous. Although I know now I will no doubt never hear the end of it. I guess we all have our crosses to bear, huh!

So here's to hoping you all have an "irony-free" day...and if you do have to do something really stupid - that no one else is around to see it!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud to the point where I woke up my dog and cat...I have only burned rubber once (on accident also) and it is very embarrassing. I was alone, I couldn't imagine having my manager and boss with me! LOL Becky!!
