Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ya'll Hear Me Now??

Well, we've been back in Ohio from our KY trip for over a week now. Life is starting to get back to normal. And I'm finally starting to talk "right" again.

See, they have a different kind of language in Kentucky. When we spend time down there it kind of rubs off on me. Then when we get back home I catch myself saying things like, "We aim ta have supper here directly. Ya'll wanna stay and et with us?"

And Buckeyes look at me like I'm insane.

Snooty things.

Now - my family knows I love them. And I love the way they talk. For instance, my Granny can look at me and say "Becky, get them there scraps by the zinc and take 'em out to the 'backer field", and I know just exactly what to do. I mean, how much clearer could she be?

I finally got straight what I need to bring her when she asks for "sweet milk". And when she wants something to "piece on" from the store, I'm right on the task. Our family knows that a good "mango" is great on a salad, and we discovered we really like it in nachos this last time around.

I noticed my Granny never changes her sheets.....she "strips" the bed instead. My uncle says it's sexier that way. I don't think I want to continue that conversation.

They're always "fixin'" to do something, or sometimes you can catch them carryin' things around in a "poke". Or they might be yellin' at the kids to get out of the "crick", or cookin' up a "mess" of beans for supper. And then sometimes you may just find 'em sitting for a spell, 'cause more than likely they're just plumb tuckered out.

I know how they feel. Sometimes I ain't got nairy a mind to piddle around either.

So, just for the official record, I wanna say' I'm right proud of my southern heritage. And I ain't gonna fret about whether no cotton' pickin' Buckeyes can understand us or not. We all understand each other pert near perfectly.

Leastways, most of the time we do.

And I reckon that's good enough for us!

1 comment:

  1. You may not have heard Granny say this but every time I have to get her some coffee she says, "Put a 'right smart bit' of sweet milk in it"..now Becky, I don't know the actual amount of a 'right smart bit'....when I brought her the coffee one time, she took a sip and said "Did you put any coffee in this milk?!" to which I promptly yelled "Granny! I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH A 'RIGHT SMART BIT' IS!!!!!" To which she laughed indulgently. Love her heart.
