Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pet Peeves

I guess we all have them, don't we? Those little annoyances that other people do...that really shouldn't be a big deal but in reality they just irk the life out of us. Today I was keenly aware of many of my pet peeves. The blood pressure meds must have decided to go on strike...

First, it was Mr. "I need to nearly break my neck and almost cause you to wreck by pulling out in front of you on the road even though there's no one behind you for miles and then once I'm out there I drive 12 miles an hour and you can't find a spot to pass me in". Come on buddy, if you're going to pull out in front of me, then DRIVE!!

Then, probably one of my all-time worst peeves ever. You come to an intersection with another car. And you wave them on. And they, in turn.....wave you on. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?? This one just about sends me over the edge. If I waved you on first, THEN GO!!! What is this little game??? People who do this should be slapped repeatedly. Then arrested.

I'm serious.

Then I get into the office and get an e-mail from a co-worker. With the subject line blank. Why? Really, just...why? I mean, it even says "SUBJECT". So put a subject in there! It's not rocket science people!

Then we have a vendor come in. Now...I don't really care for this guy. We've not had a great relationship with his company lately, and he's a bit cocky like he's just the greatest thing out there. But I deal with him because we use their product. So I'm sitting beside him across the desk from my boss as he's giving us his latest sales pitch. Suddenly he has some "heartfelt" point he feels he needs to make, so he touches me on the hand. You know...sort of affectionately, like you would a friend. Listen dude, that's over the line. We don't know each other that well on ANY level. But I take a deep breath and try to ignore it. And then......he does it again. Oh boy....I know my face turned about 15 shades of red. I don't dare look at at my boss, because I know she knows what I'm thinking. After he left she applauded me for not decking him. Yes, he is an extremely fortunate man....

So then at lunch I order my food and hand the cashier a $20. And they give me my change back in a wad. Are you kidding me? Who in the world carries their money around in their wallet in a wad?? I'm one of these people who has to turn all the little faces on the bills the same way before I give it to anyone anyways, so you can imagine what my money scrunched up in a wad did to me...

Shew...I don't know what's wrong with me today. I probably just need to relax a bit now. So I head to the kitchen, and realize I left a gallon of milk out all day. Well, that's no good now. So, I go to remove the cap to pour it what was left of it out. You know what happened?

It exploded.

I kid you not. Exploded. Did you know milk in a jug could explode?? I did not. No idea whatsoever. But it is possible.

It's not pretty, but it is possible.

Yep, that's definitely one for the pet peeve list....exploding milk.

What a day...

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