Monday, June 8, 2009

Creature of Habit

Don't you find the human mind fascinating? I do. I think it's amazing how it can be logically illogical. Think about that. I can say to myself right before I get off the couch to walk out the door for work, "Don't forget to put your glasses in your purse." I mean,'s the LAST THING I think before I turn the handle and leave.

And my glasses are still laying on my end table when I arrive at the office 30 minutes later.

See, logic would tell me there's no way I could not perform the "get glasses" function right? But where does that line of logic reside? Mmm the mind. The very mind that said "get the glasses", then forgot the glasses all in the same second. See what I mean?

Logically illogical.

So, I've learned it doesn't take much to throw my mind completely off track. Just the slightest little change in a familiar observance, and I am....messed.....up.

It happened today. I went to Wendy's for lunch because I couldn't think of one solitary place that I wanted to eat, and I finally just got tired of driving around and so pulled into the first restaurant that didn't have 100 cars in the drive-thru. I order a Single combo from the little voice-in-the-box machine, and am soon on my way. When I put my hand in the bag to get the sandwich, something is wrong.

There's a box in my bag.

Now, Wendy's is not supposed to have boxes. Unless you're getting nuggets. Then a box is perfectly legal. But my sandwich is supposed to be in that cool silver paper that the cheese usually sticks to and half peels off when you try to pry it loose. It does NOT belong in a box.

So I'm trying to get a hold of it, and I just can't. I cannot explain this...I know it's insane. I never have any trouble eating a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder out of a box. But I cannot manhandle this Single. I just can't grip it right. There's goop sliding all over the place and it's a huge mess. So I finally have to pull into a parking lot to get two hands on the thing and show it who's boss.

So I take a bite. Eeewww. It takes strange. Really...the bread is too...fluffy. And the texture is all wrong. I'm assuming this is because the box does not properly steam the bun like the cool silver paper did. This is awful! My whole psyche is messed up from this one sandwich episode. I can't even eat the whole thing. It's quite pitiful.

So the rest of the day I was just off.

All because of a sandwich in a box.

Tomorrow I'll just have a taco.

And it better not be in a box.

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