Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to Debt I Go...

The "buying a house saga" continues....

I took Friday off to work around the apartment. Whether I move or stay, something has got to be done here. This is like only the second day I have taken off this year. So what are the odds that I would develop another bout of gout on this particular day?? ("bout of gout"....perhaps I could earn some extra money being the next Dr. Seuss. Granted, a weird Dr. Seuss....)

Anyway, the gout does cause a bit of a problem with the cleaning/organizing thing. Can't stand on it much, so I have to sit in my desk chair and scoot around the room, stopping every hour or so to go back to the couch and prop it back up to try and stop the throbbing for a while. This is ridiculous. I have tried to get off of the Alleve/Ibuprofen cocktails I've been sucking down the last 24 hours. The "experts" say to take Tylenol, of which I have none, but I do have acetaminophen, and I think it might be the same thing, so I'm taking it now. (My medical skills are great, as you can see.)

The bank guy had told me that he had a meeting at 8:00 on Friday and would know if I was approved for the loan shortly thereafter. I anxiously await his call. Except, he doesn't call. OK...was I supposed to call him? (You know how you do that...start questioning everything that you're pretty sure you know, but it's not happening the way you think it should? ) So at 3:00 I just call him...but get his voice mail. So I leave a message and wait some more. Me and gout foot...just hanging out waiting for the banker...

Well, at 5:05 I figure I'm not going to hear from him, so I send the house sellers a text indicating such. Then about 6 minutes later I get THE call. And he tells me the words I've been hoping to hear...."You're Approved"! Awesome. And Thank You God. Very, very much.

So, I call the homeowners, who are also happy at this news. Now we need a Sales agreement. They had previously tried to sell this house, but apparently the other buyers lied about having a job. ???? Seriously??? I mean, didn't they think the bank would verify this info? Honestly, if I were going to lie about something on a loan app, it wouldn't be employment. Not that I would lie about anything. I'm just saying....

So, they've already got an agreement drawn up from the previous sell, and they ask if I'm OK with just looking it over and if OK, just have it notarized rather than going back through a lawyer again. Sounds good to me. So I tell them I'll come over in a bit. Well, this is quite an ordeal. Gout foot is extremely against shoes of any type tonight. So basically the only way I can get them on is to scream while I'm doing it. I'm sure the neighbors enjoyed that, although none of them came to check on me.

Well, it turns out gout foot likes walking in shoes even less than wearing them now. lord. So I hobble over there and get the agreement and hobble back home as soon as I can. I'm exhausted. Then at 9:30 this morning I hobble to the bank (it's a little better today) to get the agreement signed. Wow...I guess we're on our way.

Next stop....appraisal land....

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