Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catch Up

Well, let's catch up on the last couple of days...

I started my new home counseling on Friday. I went to Barnes & Noble to meet this guy that I was supposed to talk to. Of course, I have not a clue what he looks like. So I'm trying to nonchalantly eyeball everyone and try to pick out someone who looks like they might be affiliated with a business of some sort. Then I see him. A guy sitting alone at a table with file folders spread out in front of him. So I walk over and ask if he's waiting for someone. I honestly thought he was going to cry. I mean, he looked terrified. I apologized and assumed he was not my counselor. Because if he was, this was not going to be good. Only I would end up with a mentally unstable counselor...

So I just go sit and hope that counseling dude finds me, since the other way around wasn't working so good. Then I see this guy on the other side of the room who is talking on a cell phone start waving his hand in the air. But he's not really looking at me. So I don't know what this means. And after that last fella, I'm not risking it. So I stay where I'm at. So cell phone man then gets up and comes over and sits down at my table. OK, apparently he was waving at me. But he's still on the phone, so I have to wait for him to get finished with his conversation. This is starting very strangely.

But, it turned out all good. Basically counseling was just talking about all the stuff that you go through buying a house, and how to save as much money as possible. He did have a lot of good info about local businesses with good pricing, so it was worthwhile. We have one more session, then I'm all counseled out.

The bank did tell me the appraisal looked good, so we are moving in the right direction! I have started now to box some things up around here. It's kind of organized chaos, but believe it or not, that's headed in the right direction too. I also washed 7 loads of laundry yesterday, and have at least that many more to go. I'll be hoarding quarters again over then next few days, I guess.

Oh, and I accidentally washed some migraine headache pills in one of my laundry batches. It turned my garment neon green. It kind of looks like it might contain some sort of radioactive material in it. No wonder they make migraines go away...

On top of all of that, Friday night we took Heather out to celebrate her CIC designation. Then last night we (meaning the ladies singing group from our church) had an appointment to sing in Mt Vernon, which is about an hour and 10 minutes or so from us. So we left at 5 and weren't back home until about 10:30 or 11. Then today was Old Fashioned days at the church, and then our Sunday School picnic was after that. It was 4:00 when I got home from that. My first order of business was to fall asleep, not waking until 6:22. Whoa...gotta be back at church at 7:00! Then to mom's for some food (pizza tonight), then here to blog a bit.

And now, it is bedtime.

Shew....I'm tired.

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