Friday, June 26, 2009

Call Me Hard Headed...

OK....My head still hurts today. Here's why...

Last night I was at the church because one of the groups I play piano for has an appointment Saturday night, and...well - we needed to practice. So we did our thing and then leave to head back home a little after 9.

Well, it's raining pretty good outside, and I'm carrying a portable CD player plus a folder with my songs in it which is made of paper and is bright yellow and so I pretty much know everything inside of it is going to look like it's been smeared with mustard before I can get it to the car. So, since Heather has an umbrella she tells me to get under it and off we go.

I'm yelling at her to take me to the passenger side of my car so I can toss the radio and folder in it. Then I didn't care if I got wet myself or not. So we get there and I'm all hunched down trying to walk under this umbrella and Hezzo's standing right on top of me trying to keep the umbrella over me as I try to open the car door.

Of course in this position I'm too close to the car, so I step back to allow the door room to open. Only problem with that plan is that Heather is still standing extremely close to me, so all I really do is step on her and nearly knock her down. Of course she yells (in my ear) "OOOWWW", so I jump forward to get off of her foot. However, the momentum of my arm is already in motion and pulling the door toward me. And I'm still hunched down because of the umbrella. As a consequence, I basically slammed the corner of the door directly into the middle of my forehead.

In case you're wondering, this does not feel good at all.

Immediately, the ground started spinning. I was sure I was bleeding all over because seriously, it felt like I had cracked my skull completely open. Somehow I manage to pull the door open without hitting myself again and dump the folder and radio on the front seat. I then grab my head and start yelling at Heather "Am I Bleeding?? Am I Bleeding??"

Well, it was extremely difficult to discern her answer through all the laughter. See, Heather basically is NO HELP when it comes to an emergency, because all she really does is laugh at you. I think she might have finally squeaked out something resembling "No" but I'm not 100% sure since suddenly it seemed best for me to try and devote all of my energy to not passing out. So here we stand in the pouring rain, Heather laughing hysterically and me hunched over trying to convince the ground under me to please stop moving. I'm sure it was a lovely sight.

I finally am able to stand up and stagger to the other side of the car to head home. I'm pretty sure I may have given myself a mild concussion, because once I got to the house suddenly I was sick as a dog. And that is not a pretty sight either. And I have absolutely NO recollection of even laying down last night, let alone falling asleep. Thank God I woke up today!

So, the head is still tender to the touch (though amazingly it didn't swell much), but the dizziness has stopped.

And the next time, I will perfectly happy to play from a mustard-colored songlist!

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