Tuesday, June 23, 2009

House Buying and Superstitions

Well, tomorrow is the big day. The appraiser comes to look at the house. I'll admit...I'm a bit anxious. I've grown pretty fond of the little place. (Hmm, I might have mentioned that before, huh...) However, I still leave it in God's hands, and if it's meant to be, it will all work out. (please let it be meant to be!)

So the homeowners were back from vacation yesterday, and I still had their key where they had let me use it while they were gone. I figured I'd better return it. So I tracked them down over at the little place, where Mr. Homeowner was painting the shutters a nice fresh coat of green paint. He also had a nice fresh coat of green paint all over his hands. Hmm...I told him he was turning into the Incredible Hulk on us. His wife said he looked like Oscar the Grouch. He told me he liked my analogy better. Just don't get him mad....

While I was there the neighbor came out and was talking to Mr. Homeowner. Mrs. Homeowner wanted to introduce me to him. Mr. Homeowner wouldn't do it, as he did not want to "jinx" the sale. Mr. Homeowner is kind of a superstitious type. His son played football and ran track with Adam. Whatever routine we were in when we were winning (for example, meeting at their house for hot dogs after the game), he would make sure we kept doing. So, we give him his superstitions. I'll just have to meet Mr. Neighbor after I move in, I guess.

So, I'll keep you posted as soon as we get a figure. And for all you prayin' folk out there...keep tomorrow at 12:30 in mind if you think of it. A little of that I think will go a long way with Mr. Homeowner's superstitions!

And a couple side-notes...I drank my black cherry juice for gout last night. Tonight...no gout. OK, that had to be at least partly coincidence. It couldn't have cleared it up that fast. However...I believe I will be sticking to the black cherry diet for a while. Just in case....

And, if you've been over to The Great Lollygag lately (see link to the right), you'll see Hezzo talking about our Father's Day. I had forgotten....she did want to take the flowers off of someones grave. Yes, it was a pretty hanging basket. Yes, she didn't realize they were actually at a headstone (because the headstone was actually a bench, which is kind of cool). However, I don't think it's proper to envision removing flowers from ANYWHERE in a cemetery. Just something to keep in mind Hezzo....

Until we meet again.

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