Monday, June 1, 2009

Unexpected Pleasures

Ever have one of those moments in life when something little and actually of no significant value whatsoever happens to you and it just makes you smile and feel kind of happy? I had one of "those moments" Dollar General of all places.

Stopped in at lunch because I needed some kind of wipes to clean off the dashboard of my car, which was dusty enough that I could have written this blog on it. Although it would have been very hard for anyone else to read it that way. So I decided to just stick to the laptop and clean the dash instead.

So I wander around a bit because I forgot what I went in there for about as soon as I walked in (that is so frustrating!) but then finally see the cleaning supplies which jogs my memory as to what I want. I grab my wipes and head back up to the front. As I'm heading that way, I'm thinking "Hmmm, wonder if they've got Pringles in here." Then, as if the angels heard my heart's plea, I look to the right and realize that I'm walking right past a display of Pringles! Hallelujah!

But gets better. The price so proudly displaying in front of the chips is 5 for $3. 5 for $3??!! Holy Toledo, that's like $.60 a tube! Pringles are NEVER that cheap! Hey, I'm no I scoop up 5 tubes and head for the checkout, happy as a little clam.

So I get up to pay for my stuff and the checker-outer lady starts swiping the Pringle tubes. $1.50....$1.50....$1.50....$1.50.....$1.50. OK, the discount must be applied at the end. Except it's not. No ma'am...the bill is $10.58.

Well, this is not good.

So, I tell the lady that the price listed is 5 for $3. She looks at me like I've got a toe growing out of my ear. I said "Really - (pointing) - see the sign?" She looks at the sign, gives me a very odd grin, and says "Excuse me...I'll be right back." And she leaves. **groan** So, I think "Well, at least there's no one in line behind me." And immediately 2 people show up in line behind me. Honestly, what are the odds?? So we wait for about 4 minutes for this woman to come back. Really, the store is not that big. I don't know where in the world she went. But soon she comes back with another lady who apparently is a manager. The first thing they do is walk by the display and promptly turn the 5 for $3 signs around so that they say $1.50. Hmmm...somebody's probably gonna get whacked for that one!

So I figure it's gonna be a fight to get the 5 for $3 price that I was so pumped about. But, to my surprise, the manager lady just goes to the cash register and starts overriding the $1.50 price already logged in. This proved to be quite a chore though, because she would start with the price at the top of the list. Then when she overrode on, it would drop the cursor down to the bottom, and she'd have to try and figure out which one she had left off with. It was very difficult to watch, because actually the screen would display $.60 in huge numbers when the price had been overridden. I don't know if she was blind or what, but she continually tried to change the ones that had already been changed, and that $.60 was on the screen blaring at me the whole time. I however did not utter a word, for fear that she may change her mind and take the precious $.90 per tube (do you realize that's a savings of $4.50?!?!) discount away. The people behind me probably had smoke coming out of their ears. Finally, just as I'm about ready to give it all up and scream "YOU'VE ALREADY CHANGED THEM ALL!" she finally realizes that she already changed them all, and they let me go.

Life is good.

Now perhaps you're thinking that I should be feeling guilty that I got away with a $.90 price break on my chips when that really wasn't the price. And actually, you're right...I do have one regret.

I should have gotten 10 tubes.


  1. becky, your uncle donnie would have been so proud of you! he has come across the wrong price sign lotsss! with not so good ending. ha! wish you had got 10 too! love you aunt quack.

  2. Bwhahahahahahaha! There is nothing better than stumbling across a good deal! And mom is right, dad is the King of price sign's........
