Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Day...

I just got home....took the evening and went through the house I'm looking to buy again. The homeowners are on vacation so we just broke in to walk through it one more time.


Naw, they left me a key so I could let the appraiser in should he be willing to set up a time yet this week to go through it. I dropped off the purchase agreement today, and now we wait for the appraisal. Hmmm....I'm already growing kind of attached to the little place...

The banker told me that if everything went OK it would probably still be about the middle of July until we could close, as we have to wait on some grant money that I qualified for. Actually, this was a huge relief to hear. It will take me until the middle of July to get this apartment straightened around! I've been working on it slowly....but there's still a looonnnnggg ways to go.

After we left the house I drove Ma all over town looking at other houses to see what kind of competition there is out there. For the budget I'm on, I'm happy with my choice. Did I mention I'm growing kind of attached to the little place??

So I pull into mom's driveway and there's her neighbor's dog Maverick sitting on their stoop. Maverick cracks me up. He looks like a black Marmaduke, and he always sits on the stoop with with paws hanging over the edge. He never barks when we come in. Unless I'm in the company car. Then I have to yell at him to tell him who I am. He'll typically then stop in mid-bark and head back to resume his post on the stoop. Funny dog.

As we pass Maverick I spy a squirrel running through the yard with a pretty good sized stick in his mouth. How strange. I mean, have you ever seen a squirrel running around with a stick in it's mouth?? Perhaps Maverick is teaching the squirrels to play with him now. Mom's convinced that the little thing is going to pole vault over her fence and get into her garden. Yeah, I'm sure that's his plan. Anyway, he runs over to the tree then starts twirling the stick back and forth like a little baton. I think we've found our next contestant for America's Got Talent. What is it with all this weird animal stuff this week??

Mom then spies a couple rabbits hanging around outside her garden fence and quickly gets out of the car to go chase them away. Well, that should keep her occupied for a while...

So, now I'm home. I think I'm headed back to clean up some more junk. Perhaps then if it does work out that I'm able to move, it won't be quite the enormous undertaking that I've been dreading. And the house won't be a cluttered mess from the very start!

By the way...did I mention that I'm getting kind of attached to the little place??



  1. LOL. I need some squirrels like that in my yard!

    Hey, when you get into your house you need to have a virtual housewarming party. Put some shots of the house on a post and then we can all post links to gifts we're not buying you. ;-)

  2. I'll have to let mom know you'd like some of her squirrels Wendy. I'm sure she'd send you as many as you'd like!

  3. I don't know who Wendy is, but she can have as many of those lunatic squirrels as she wants. Does she know they like to dig up all your flowers too?
