Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Show Me The Money!!

As you know if you've been following along on this little journal of my life, I'm in the house buying process. We've been sitting in the same stagnant position for about a month now, which is.....the loan's approved, the grant's approved, the appraisal is good - but we have to wait for the grant money to get here.

These are the times that try men's souls...

Or mine, anyway.

So today was the call I've been waiting for....I finally hear from the banker. The money's here!!!

Well...not exactly.

There's a question about my eligibility because they think I may be over the salary limit. However, I'm really not. It just looks like more because of the profit sharing check we received in April of this year. My banker's statement was "We figured that's what it was. We half expected they might question that."

I'll admit, it took all of my being not to scream into the phone "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU ADDRESS IT UP FRONT WITH THEM???!!!"

Instead, I said..."So, will this be a problem?" (Ah, sweet deception...) He tells me the same thing happened to his son and all they need is a statement from my Company explaining that.

So now we wait again...

He thinks though we should hear in a day or two about the funds, and closing will probably be next week.

Good grief...I gotta kick the cleaning/packing bug into high gear...

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