Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life is Good

Today I'm a packing fiend. I've officially reached the "organized chaos" stage, which actually is quite a step up from just plain old "chaos". Onward I trod...

Today 3 of my good friends from high school were in town, so we met and had supper together. Then we tried to go break into the house. It is a bit comforting to know it's a pretty sturdy little place. I actually did call the owners to see if they cared if I showed it, which they didn't at all...except they were at Cedar Point today, and didn't seem too willing to drive an hour or so back here to bring me the keys. I just don't understand what's wrong with 'em...

I also still have about 7 or 8 loads of laundry I need to do. I have a feeling some of them might have to wait for the new washer and dryer. I can hardly wait to christen them!!

Otherwise, today is a day I've just been noticing a few things that I feel the urge to share:
  • I hate it when my DVR doesn't record a show I really wanted to watch
  • I hate it even more when my DVR only records 14 minutes of a show that I really wanted to watch
  • I also hate trying to get a little tiny spot of dried milk out of the bottom of a glass
  • It's really not a good thing when you open up a butter bowl expecting to get butter only to discover it contains the left-over navy beans you fixed 2 days ago....which apparently you also forgot to put in the refrigerator (talk about rank!)
  • It's also not a good thing to discover that your only loaf of bread is green
  • It's been a blessing to me that the weather has been unusually cool...since I didn't bother to put the air conditioner in my window this season
  • It's kind of odd to see your life sitting in a pile in the middle of your living room
  • Greased Lightning is the most wonderful cleaning agent I've encountered in a long time
  • I own way too many clothes

Life is good.

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