Monday, July 13, 2009

Darth Vader, Jesus and Skateboarding Bunnies...

I think I may have mentioned once or twice before that I like small town living. I like it very much. This past weekend was our town's 18th annual Bicycle Days. Of course, what's a small town festival without a parade?!

All the little kids line up on the street with their plastic bags to catch all the candy loot the parade participants fling out at them. It doesn't take them long to figure out if they wave as they pass by, they're more likely to get more candy!

Even the "Big Kids" like to catch a prize or two!

(Now what are the odds that they would throw a little Republican elephant named
"Righty" directly into Heather's lap?!

She was nice though and gave it to a little kid who was upset because he didn't get an animal. Let's hope he's not a Democrat!)

And what's a parade without awesome floats??

This is the one our Church entered.

HEY! We won First Place!!

Of course, the most fun is hooting and hollering at all the friends and family you know...

Way to go Mammy! Convert all those ladies in the crowd to Curves!

(Look at the little kid's face beside her. He thinks she's nuts!)

Ah yes....nothing like a small town parade. I mean, come on...where else in the world are you gonna see Darth Vader, Jesus and a skateboarding Bunny Rabbit - all in one day!

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