Thursday, July 2, 2009

Heroes and Holidays

Tonight Mom and I went to the store, and there was a man checking out in front of us who was wearing a National Guard uniform. He was just doing his grocery shopping...nothing spectacular in his mind, I'm sure. But I saw something more there.

We were in the presence of a hero.

I should have thanked him...for the sacrifice he makes for us, people he doesn't even know. It made me stop and think about what the upcoming holiday is all about. I had been happy because I don't have to go into the office tomorrow. But I had momentarily forgotten what it's REALLY all about...

It's more than a day off of work.
More than a gathering with family.
More than barbecued chicken and corn on the cob.
More than homemade ice cream.
More than parades and fireworks.

From the first utterance of "Freedom" in Colonial America to the deserts of modern day Iraq and Afghanistan, there have always been those who were willing to lay their lives and their own personal liberties on the line so that this country and the freedom and democracy it stands for could flourish.

Some have served us during peacetime...ready at a moment's notice if we needed them.
Many have gone off to war...seen and lived through things most of us could never dream of.
Some have returned home to try and rebuild a life after unimaginable horrors.
Some have returned home to claim their final resting place in their beloved homeland.
Some remain where they fell...but will never be forgotten by friends and loved ones back home.

So tonight I would just like to say to all of our Civil Servants, Soldiers and Veterans....

Thank You for all you've given to preserve the greatness of America.
Thank You for my Freedom.
Thank You for being my heroes.

I do so appreciate it.

And may God Bless America...

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