Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The End Of An Era

Tonight I'm sentimental....and probably a bit sappy. Just to let you know before I get into this. Don't say I didn't warn you...

If all goes as planned, this will be the last night I catch my snoozes in this apartment. You know, 13 years is a long time to be at one place. And even though I'm more than ready to move on, I still need to take a second to say goodbye.

So, I'm thankful that I had a safe, affordable place to come home to every night. And the neighbors were nice. Mostly. Except for whoever it was that left a nasty note on my car one time. But, that's times past now...I'll try to leave the grudge behind.

So tomorrow a new chapter begins. No more fighting for a parking spot on the street. No more scraping layers of ice off the car every morning while I nearly get run down by maniacal drivers who won't slow down. No more hoarding quarters like a raving lunatic so I can do my laundry.

I will be able to vacuum my floor after 10:00 and not worry about waking up the neighbors! I will be able to play my piano without the headphones! I can do jumping jacks and run in place all I want! (HA that's actually gonna happen!)

I can't wait.
(By the way, did I mention before that I really Thank God for all of this?)

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