Friday, July 17, 2009

Hey....I'm Buying A House!!!

Today I got another call from the banker. He said he had some news for me.

Hallelujah and Praise The Lord.....THE GRANT CLEARED!!!

I'm giddy.

Thursday we close. That means I have tonight and tomorrow, plus about 2 weekdays for all practical purposes to get this place tidied away. And call all those places you have to call to get things set up.....Electric/Water/Sewer, Cable/Phone/Internet, Gas, Trash....what am I missing?

I guess I'll figure it out when I get into the house and the flip the switch for it and it doesn't come on, huh?!

So, as you can see, don't have a lot of typing time tonight. I have a feeling that the next few days are going to be a virtual whirlwind.

But a fun whirlwind....

(And just one more time....Thanks God! Very much!)


  1. And I say, "Thank God, too" . You deserve this so enjoy all the wonderful things about to happen. Like breaking things in the move and finding out something will not work where you want it to go. But I will be there with you to share in all the good times.

  2. You always are Mammy....that makes me very happy too!

    Thanks for all the support!
