Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mosquito Madness

I just came home from our monthly Ladies meeting at the church. This month was hosted by one of our members at their house in the country. It was a lovely setting...tables with cloths and flower vases on them, nice place settings laid out, and a wonderful buffet of food. It was lovely.

Then THEY showed up.

Mosquitoes. Dear lord...the mosquitoes. The UNBEARABLE mosquitoes!!

Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to see symptoms of malaria soon. I better start reading up on what those are...

This is twice now in one week. On Saturday Adam was in the Big Ball tournament for Bicycle Days. We headed there after the parade and were there until after 11:00 p.m. So for the first 6 hours, we sat in the mostly blazing sun. I got cooked like a little lobster. Even the top of my head was throbbing. Finally, the sun heads down for some relief.

Then THEY showed up.

Are you seeing a pattern here??

Ah the joys of Ohio...
Giant blood-sucking creatures in the Summer...
Allergies galore in the Fall...
Rain and tornadoes in the Spring...
Ice, snow and freezing temps in the Winter.

Now...why on earth wouldn't anybody want to live here?!

On a completely unrelated note except that I somewhat mentioned it earlier in the blog and I wanted to stick a few more photos on it... here's some shots of Bub's Big Ball team this year....Sluggin N Chuggin. They ended up third overall....not bad!

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