Monday, May 18, 2009

Mom's "Help"

I love my mom. I think you know that if you read my Mother's Day blog. She really is a great lady. However, she does have an interesting methodology of "helping" sometimes. At best, it certainly keeps things entertaining. At worst, it brings a slight level of "chaotic" to what would be an otherwise ordinary ordeal...

She, Adam and I were heading to Mansfield the other day after she and Adam had planted Belinda the tree. (See her blog for additional details on this. I'm really not inclined to comment much more on a tree named Belinda.) As we were heading out ST RT 39, Adam commented that there was a nice looking Volkswagen Passat for sale on up the road. I've been contemplating the purchase of another vehicle lately, as my car sounds like the back end is about to fall off at any moment. I don't know what's wrong with the crazy thing. I've had it about 6 or 7 years now and it's pushing 135,000 miles, so I guess it's just getting old and cranky. Eh, it happens to the best of us, I suppose.

So anyway, we get up close to where this car is parked, and I'm trying to check it out. It does look like a nice little thing. So I figure wouldn't hurt to give a call about it. They have the phone number written in soap on the window. So, I quickly scramble for my cell phone to record the number in my "notes" area, and while I'm doing that shout out the following to Mom and Adam..."Remember this number --- 555-2290!" (By the way, I'm doing the little Hollywood movie trick here of using a bogus number just in case someone out there thinks it will be all cute to prank call the actual number and drive the phone number owner crazy! Always one step ahead, I am....)

Anyway, I no sooner finish saying the "0" on the number, when Mom and Adam immediately start repeating it. Well, let me clarify. Adam starts repeating the number. Mom, on the other hand, just starts shouting out random numbers. So, I'm hearing this male voice shouting "555-2290", and a female voice shouting "52289746390..."

Well, then Mom's shouting of numbers got Adam confused with his shouting of numbers, so he reverts to dropping one of the digits and now is just shouting "555-290". Meanwhile, I'm shouting "Mom - stop saying numbers!", which in turn makes Mom start laughing hysterically, while Adam continues to shout "555-290!"

Good lord.

Anyway, I finally get the correct number recorded (How, I have no idea) and everyone to stop shouting. Mom then has the nerve to tell me that she is not going to help me anymore when I ask her for something.

I hear ya Ma.....I hear ya....

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