Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wake Up Call

We got to KY this past weekend on Friday and stayed with Granny that night. That's usually where we sack out at while we're there, but if you know Granny's house, you know there ain't much room there. If you don't know Granny's house, you still know there ain't much room there because I just told you there ain't much room there. Come on, pay attention!

ANYWAY...since Uncle Dennis and his clan were coming in and they don't get to see Granny as often as we do, we vacated the premises on Saturday and headed up to Uncle Murph and Aunt Diana's. They just did some remodeling to their house, which looks really nice. We told them we didn't realize we were staying at the Waldorf this weekend! I hate to see what Uncle Murph charges us!

So, they get us each (Mom, Adam and I...Hezzo wasn't there yet) settled into our respective rooms and we hit the sack, planning on getting up in time for church in the morning. I was upstairs where I could snooze (aka: snore) and not wake up the whole house. About 6:20 I wake up and have to go to the bathroom. So I go staggering through the room with that groggy "where exactly am I at??" feeling and finally find the stairway. I head down tediously, all the while praying I don't fall down them and break my neck. Thankfully, all limbs are intact when I reach the bottom. As I now try to orient myself to the room and navigate to the bathroom, I suddenly hear a voice from the darkness say "Why on earth didn't you turn on that light before you came downstairs!" Apparently Aunt Diana is laying on the couch. She just about scared me to death! So I tell her I was lucky to find the stairs, let alone the light and I gotta go to the bathroom. She allows me to do so. (Awfully nice of her, huh?!)

So now I'm staggering back and I tell her it's way too early to be up and I'm going back to bed. So she asks me what time I want to get up and that she'll come wake me. Wow, they do wake up calls at this hotel. So I tell her about 8:15 would be good, and off to dreamland I go.

Well, now I actually figured that when I got back to bed I wouldn't actually go back to sleep because I usually won't let myself when I know I have to get up for something in just a little bit. But apparently I was like dead tired or something, because I remember nothing. Nothing that is until I feel something on my arm. It was like a little rubbing feeling up and down my forearm. And then I hear this voice going..."Woo Hoo........Woo Hoo......" I sleepily open my eyes and see my dear Aunt standing there rubbing her finger on my arm making the aforementioned "Woo Hoo" noise. Gotta say, never had a wake up call quite like this before. Now, I'm a bit jumpy when startled (get that from my dad), so my first instinct was to draw my fist back like I might deck whoever was, Oh...I don't know....standing over my bed rubbing my arm and saying "Woo Hoo". Fortunately, the tiny little voice in my head starts yelling at me..."IT'S YOUR AUNT - DON'T PUNCH HER, DON'T PUNCH HER!!!"

Thank the good Lord my arm listened and stayed right where it was.

That would have been really, really bad.

Really bad.

So, I would just like to say that if you have occasion to stay at the Murphy Hotel some night, you're sure to be treated good.

You just might want to make sure you pack your own alarm clock.

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