Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Good Day

I'm sitting here tonight watching the Celtics/Bulls thinking about the day. Well, I'm also thinking "GO CELTICS". Have never been a big fan of the Bulls. Adam is rooting for the Bulls. He still has much to learn. So I's to the Irish tonight.

So...this has been a busy day. Got up and did
laundry and cleaned a little. (Thrilling.) Then off to DrugMart to get some prescriptions refilled. I'm out of the high blood pressure meds, so I better get those filled before the work week starts again. Otherwise...well, that could get pretty ugly.

Now off to our Mother-Daughter Tea at the Church. Don't we look pretty in front of the flower garden? Most of those flowers came from Mom's. Yes, she's not just the Drama Queen, she is also the "whatever you need to have a great party" Queen. We had a grand old time drinking our tea and eating our cucumber sandwiches and scones with jam and cream. We felt all...."Britishy".

We did not stay for the entire tea as today is Adam's birthday! No longer a teenager....He is now 20 years old!! So hard to believe! We drive up to Akron to take him to dinner. He and 3 other guys have decided to rent a house next year, so we basically all contributed to his "I need a mattress" fund for his birthday. I did get him some beef jerky so he'd have something to open. (Jim Beam...isn't that nice. It's all they had!)

We all had expensive but lovely steaks at Longhorn (except mom, who opted for chicken). We don't stay long as next week is his finals and he's doing some studying. (At least that's what he's telling us!) So we go into the dorm just long enough for him to load up a cartload of his junk to drag back home with us. He will be coming home for the Summer this Friday. One year of school down already!

So now here I sit...unwinding from the day. is good.

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