Friday, May 8, 2009

25 Things...

People are funny. Really, we all have these little quirks that we may or may not want anyone else to know about...the things that make us unique. I like finding out these little gems about people from time to time. Someone sent me a message the other day asking to "list 25 things about yourself". Hmmm....interesting. Let's see what you may or may not know about me...

1. My middle name came from the Mignon Towers at Morehead University, which were named after the Dean's wife at that time. (And please, the "g" is silent!)

2. I once fell off of the roof of a house and caught an electrical wire with one hand on my way down to the concrete patio below. (Thank God I was much smaller then and the wire held!)

3. Other life moments when I didn't quite escape without a scratch: fell out of a moving car (cut up my knee a bit), bitten by a dog (twice - both times on the face), ran into the back of a parked car on my bike (I don't even want to think about that pain again), and fractured my arm doing a cartwheel (back when I still COULD do a cartwheel!)

4. I can tolerate a great deal of pain because I so despise going to the doctor and/or dentist. (I even think I might be phobic.) I mean, I went for about 3 or 4 weeks with a kidney stone before I finally broke down and went to the hospital. Ironically, the thought of pricking my own finger test my blood sugar makes me nearly pass out and I can't hardly do it.

5. My Dad passed away 7 1/2 years ago. I still miss him more than I can stand.

6. I have never met Mr. Right, but really am OK with being a single. (Though the older I get, the more desperate everyone else seems to get for me to hook up with somebody!)

7. I can go to sleep with my arm stretched straight up in the air. I have even woke up in the middle of the night with it like that. (Which is a bit freaky, I must admit...)

8. I have never had a drink of alcohol. Nor have I ever wanted one.

9. Shelby, Ohio has always been my home. And I don't regret that one bit.

10. I once got to sing in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. (With my high school choir)

11. I would love to write a book.

12. 2 of my most favorite places to visit - Ogunquit, Maine (you've got to go walk the Marginal Way once!), and Washington DC. But really, I love to travel most's a great big world out there.

13. I play the piano (mainly by ear, though I can read music), and a little guitar. I feel like God has given me the ability to communicate through music...and I absolutely love doing it.

14. I am a Steelers fan because of my third grade teacher, Miss Keib. My brother is a Steelers fan because of me!

15. Football is my favorite sport. Baseball is probably second. (My Dad played ball in high school with Don Gullet, who was a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds...which is not a fact about me but kind of interesting anyway!)

16. I have a specific way I like to eat my spaghetti. Noodles on bottom, sauce over them, a piece of American cheese on top of the sauce, then crackers covering the whole thing. A piece of garlic toast to swipe it up and a glass of ice cold milk to wash down is awesome!

17. I almost always cry when I cast my vote on election day. I just get very emotional at the realization of what a great honor it is to live in this country.

18. I really wish I were better at reaching out and keeping up with family and friends.

19. I'm not always as self-confident as I may appear to be.

20. One of my best friends now is the wife of one of my former high school teachers. (Who would have thought?!!!)

21. Even though I have always lived in Northern Ohio, a lot of people think I have a southern accent. (I don't get this one. I mean goodness, they should hear some of my family talk!)

22. If I could have attended any significant historic event that occured during my lifetime, I would have loved to have been there to see the Berlin Wall come down.

23. I always have Boston Creme Pie on my birthday

24. As I'm getting older, I am developing a stronger and stronger allergy to fruit. (Which I think is just bizarre...)

25. I greatly admire people who stand on what is right...regardless of the fallout.

So..what 25 things may I not know about you??

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