Friday, May 15, 2009

Satchel Silliness

I took 1/2 day off of work yesterday, planning to enjoy just a little R & R. Instead, I ended up chasing all over Mansfield with Mom for one of the most daunting challenges that a woman faces.

We had to buy a new purse.

Now, this may sound like a simple task to all of those non-purse carriers out there. Particularly the males. However, they would be wrong. In actuality, buying a new purse runs akin to purchasing a new house. Trying to decide if you can live with 2 bedrooms instead of 3 or a laundry room in the basement instead of on the first floor is no less taxing than the possibilities that face you with a purse purchase. After all, you're not going to carry your house around on your arm day in and day out, now are you?!

So we spend the next 2 hours in various stores having conversations something like this....

How many compartments does this one have? No, just one is no good...everything gets lost in it.

Oh, I like this one...except it just snaps. Put too much in it and it won't stay closed.

OK, this one zips. Ehh...but the zipper's really tight. Those are hard to get larger items in and out of.

Oh - here's a nice one....wait, no outside pockets. I'll never find my keys.

Hey, I like this one! OH....Good grief, look at how short the handles are! You'd never be able to carry it on your shoulder!

OK, the compartments are nice on this one, but it's ugly as sin!

Good night, this one is as big as a duffel bag!

Good night, you couldn't even fit a Kleenex in this one!

Why in the world would they use such a horrendous color??

Do they have this one in something other than black?? I always end up with black!!

Man, this one weighs 30 pounds without anything in it!

Finally!! This one is perfect! I love it! How much does it cost?......OK - put it back on the shelf and back away slowly....

It's a harrowing ordeal, I tell you. Finally God smiles upon us and the "perfect" (or almost so) handbag reveals itself with a heavenly light and angels singing. OK, so it only has one outside pocket. And it's black.

I guess we can't have everything in life, now can we??

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