Monday, May 25, 2009

Kentucky Conversations

So, we spent the weekend with the fam in KY. It was a lot of fun, and great to see everyone that we were able to this time around. As Aunt Diana so succinctly put it at one point in the weekend, "You just really forget how crazy all these people are until you spend a day with them again, don't you?!"

As we were driving home last night I was thinking about some of the conversations we'd had and phrases I'd heard over the last 3 days. There was no way not to laugh and just wonder what a stranger would have thought if they'd been passing by and heard some of these comments (honest to goodness, somebody in my family actually said these...):

"Has anybody seen my purple caboodle?"

"Hey, I'm just as capable of reproducing as he is!"

"Well, you see, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder throwing the pigs back in the pen..."
(We almost never hear statements like this in Northern Ohio!)

"After I stuck my hand in my pop then the waiter carried me out..."

"Well, if I was named after an animal sound she'd be able to say my name too!"

"I want a tooth for my anniversary..."

"We live in a former leper colony"

"She likes to eat dirt"

"You can sleep with my husband"
(OK, I'm not gonna tell who said this, but I promise...I was not at ALL meant like it sounds!)

"We spent 3/4 of the morning plunging the sink!"

"See my hoe blister?!"

"Do you all snort like she does??"

"I need somebody to wash dishes and stay out of my way!!"

"I eat Vick's Salve every night..."

Believe it or not, it all really did make sense in the context of what was being spoken. (Well, with the exception of the Vick's Salve thing. I don't think you could really put that statement into a sensible context! But we do love you anyway Shelley!) And now that I've actually said out loud that these things made sense, it gives me a bit of pause to stop and worry about myself.

Eh, I'll be fine. Just as soon as I find that purple caboodle....


  1. Oh Becky, I miss you already! My dear, you forgot the phrase, "I eat Vick's Salve every night!" I want credit where credit is due...that's all I ask.....(By the way, I think I know which person said which quote on all of these!)

  2. hey now i have to take up for myself!. I was being serious.. i had a blister from my HOE! Garden hoe that is.. and I was only being nice about letting you sleep with my husband so you wouldn't have to get up at 6 in the morning and take a pic of the house in fog!

  3. Shelley, I can't believe I forgot the Vick's Salve thing...that's what got me to thinking about this blog to start with! So, I did add it in!

    And Amy...I never thought I'd say something like this...but it was awfully nice of you to offer for me to sleep with your husband. (Just please don't tell Richard I said that!) And I considered adding the "Shish Kebob Virgin" line, but thought that might be a bit over the line!

  4. I was at this reunion and I didn't hear half of those things. I think you girls got hold of some kind of kentucky weed or something.

  5. Brawhahahahaha, to what Brenda said!
