Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On The Road

I'm blogging tonight from a hotel room in Independence, Ohio which is just outside of Cleveland. I have to take a class tomorrow at Case Western University, which is downtown Cleveland and I didn't want to have to get up at 3 in the morning to get there. (Or 5...whatever.) I would have stayed actually in Cleveland, but tonight is the first night of the Eastern Conference NBA Finals, duly hosted by LaBron James and Co. in downtown Cleveland. (GO CAVS!) Which means you probably can't move in that I'm out here in the "suburbs".

Booked this room at a Holiday Inn Express. Figured was like a 3 or 4 story hotel, right? Wrong. I pulled in this parking lot and there's about 800 cars in here. That's really not much of an exaggeration. I can find NOWHERE to park. So I end up in front of some trailer that I wouldn't be surprised if they tow away in the middle of the night, probably obliterating my car along with it. Good thing I'm driving a company vehicle.

So I finally get in this place, and there's all these booths set up. Seems they're having a bridge conference here today. No, not the kind that you drive over. The card game kind. Yeah, that's know, the game old people play. Which probably explains why there are 800 old people jamming the hallways. (Which probably explains the 800 cars in the parking lot too!) Have you ever tried to get through a hallway of 800 old people. Not easy....not fun. I thought I was gonna have to deck a couple of 'em. (HA - "deck"...get one, huh?!)

So I finally fight my way to the front desk and have to stand behind a woman who is mad because her refrigerator is broke. Oh for the love of Mike lady...move on! Then some guy come stands behind me and seems to know everyone who walks by. Because they all call him by name and he keeps repeating "You never saw me here. Just remember, you never saw me here!" OK....time for me to move on!

So after unloading my junk I'm hungry, so I head out for food. My little Garmin (who is one of the most wonderful pieces of technology I've ever owned!) tells me there's an Olive Garden 4.3 miles away. I hear Chicken & Gnocchi soup calling. What Mr. Garmin failed to tell me was that the 4.3 miles was construction all the way. I might as well have gone back to Mansfield. Lord. I finally find the Garden and head in. My waiter looks like an extremely skinny Kenny Bishop (if you know who he is. Gospel singer) And I can't understand a word he says. Seriously. He looks at me and says something that sounds like "Ah Bah blahdoo bonis de bibberbot?" I have no idea. So I just nod. He could have just told me that he's going to cut out my own liver and serve it to me tonight. I just kept nodding. Lord.

I eat as quickly as I can because I'm tired and just want to get back to the hotel. But first I need to grab a couple things at the Store. So I head out and stand in the parking lot. I'm just standing there because I can't find my car. It seems I've forgotten that I'm driving a company car. Then when I do remember that, I can't remember what it looks like. I have this problem with that car all the time. I don't know what's wrong with me. I finally hit the remote key lock until I see the lights blinking, and it's off to find a store. Wal Mart is across the road. Giant Eagle is right behind me. The Eagle it is. I want three things. A couple bottles of water, some Snyder's cheese popcorn and toothpaste, as I am pretty sure I left mine at home. Find the water...move along. I have to walk through the largest selection of alcohol that I have ever seen. Honest to goodness, I had no idea so many booze choices existed. Apparently they like to drink in this town. From there to the snack aisle, where they have every kind of chip and snack known to man. Every kind that is, except Snyder's Cheese Popcorn. Unbelievable. I buy a bag of off brand and head out. Well, after I stand in the parking lot a while trying to find the car....

The trip back wasn't quite as bad as the trip going. Everyone is probably in watching the start of the Cavs game now. I get back to my room (still have to park in front of that trailer) and try to settle in. It's then that I remember the third thing I needed from the store. No Toothpaste. Good Grief. So I call the front desk for help, and walla - someone magically appears with a little tube to save me. I then spend 15 minutes trying to connect to the "complimentary wireless service" that they claim is throughout this building. I FINALLY get on and see that Jasmine has sent me a note on Facebook about my last blog. I respond back to her - will be exciting to get together this weekend! Then I go into my corporate e-mail and see a stupid note from a stupid vendor, which I forward to my boss with a sarcastic note that I probably should not have sent. Ah, never know when to quit while I'm ahead!

So that brings me to this point....laying on the bed blogging and watching the Cavs blow the Magic away. I guess the night could have been worse. I hope the morning is just a bit better, however!

Night All!

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