Monday, August 17, 2009

What Are The Odds...

Have you ever noticed how some things in life just always seem to happen a certain way? I find this really perplexing. I just don't get it. For instance, today...I'm driving home from work and realize I need gas in the car. I mean, like....RIGHT NOW. I must have coasted a couple of miles on fumes. (Senility is setting in, I tell you...)

So, I pull into the gas station. There are 2 cars there. Just 2. Not in my way. Just 2 little cars. So I pump my tank full, which takes, what....3, 4 minutes? Hardly no time. Then I go to pull out. Suddenly there are 12 cars surrounding me. Three want my pump. One is backing out at a snail's pace directly in front of me. Two have me completely blocked from every other angle. Others are pouring in from all directions, vying for a position of their own. It's insanity!!

I finally maneuver the vehicle obstacle course, and there's a pedestrian walking directly in my path of driveability. Oh, let me elaborate on that....walking SLOWLY. While they stare at me like they're daring me to run them over. Oooh...fight the temptation.

Seriously - you've been there, right? Why does it always happen that way? It seems completely statistically impossible that this phenomenon of car convergence could occur EVERY TIME I stop at a gas station. Yet it does. How can this be??

Personally, I count it as one of the great wonders of the universe. I remain perplexed...

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