Monday, August 3, 2009

Moving Day....continued

The saga continues....

We arrive at the bank early for the closing, so we hop over to McD's for some nuggets since I am suddenly starving. While we're sitting there, in walk the sellers. They also are early, so join us for a little snack. It was nice just getting to sit down with them for a little bit before they took all my money. 'Twas a nice little memory.

Pretty soon we're off to the bank, and the flurry of paper signing begins. It was a bit chaotic, to say the least. Actually, I didn't do too bad with it until the very end. I had to set up a bank account because they draw my payment directly from it. A lady came in to explain all of this to me, while my banker was still talking with the seller, and my mom and seller lady were talking as they were heading out to find the bathroom, and banker lady was talking in my ear...and it got to be just a bit overwhelming. So much so that banker lady me actually started laughing and said "This is a bit much right now, isn't it?!" She assured me I could read the literature and understand it later. I pray she knows what she's talking about.

So, we head back into town to start the grand adventure of the move. It has now been 11 days since that all occurred. I pray we never have to go through something like that again! Try this little experiment in a 4 room apartment for 13 years and only throw away 3 things a year. That will give you a bit of an idea of how much junk we had to move. It was insane. I thought we'd get the U-Haul, fill it once and everyone would be on their merry way in a few hours.


We filled the U-Haul about 6 other vehicles. Not to mention the 6 loads mom, Andie and I had taken over before everyone else got there. Not to mention the 7 loads mom, Adam and I brought over on Friday and Saturday when we went back to clean out the "little bit" we left behind on Thursday.

It was embarrassingly ridiculous.

But the wonderful trooper friends I have just kept hauling it out...and hauling it out...and hauling it out. They were beyond great.

Even if the guys did scratch a swath out of mom's basement wall trying to get the couch she was giving me out of it. (I can still hear Simon..."Is there any chance at all that we'll be out of here before your mom gets back??" And Mark's answer...."Eat fast least we'll have a full stomach before she throws us out!")

And even if Mark B did make Mark A stand out in the rain while he "thought about" if they should load the couch then or wait until it stopped raining. (While he laughed about it the whole time!)

And even if mom and Adam had to stop in the middle of the road on the way back from Mansfield after getting my washer and dryer because it came a torrential downpour (the same one Mark A was standing in, I believe) to try and cover them up so the appliances wouldn't get drenched. Oh, did I mention they had to do that 3 times? (Apparently the tarp kept blowing off...)

And even if the wall mirror did get broken on the trip across town. (I was thankful it was the only casualty of the night!)

We had one little girl helping....her name is Tessie. She's about 6 or so. She actually was kind of upset that she missed most of the hauling out because she was at Bible School at her grandpa's church, and was very excited that we had to carry it all into the house so she could help. (I'm pretty sure she was about the only one that felt that way at that point!) Her dad was unloading the truck, and he'd put special items down and holler out, "This one's for Tessie to carry". After her 7th or 8th trip with stuff, she looked at me and said..."Man. You've got a lot of stuff!"

Well said Tess.....Well said.

But I'll never forget my favorite moment of the night. I was back in the bedroom and they were all out there hauling stuff in like a little assembly line. I could hear them talking and laughing and carrying on with one another...

And I felt it. It was my home....full of friends and love and laughter. Just what I'd always dreamed of.

It felt really good.


  1. it will be a day that goes down in infamy! To me anyway.

  2. Couldn't have done it without ya Mammy!
