Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Hate The Cable Company

Well, here's the next thrilling update on the ongoing saga of my ignorant cable company and the signal leakage that is threatening to command an airplane to land on top of my house....

At about 7:00 Saturday night, after waiting all day, I got fed up and called the company. The lady proceeds to inform me that someone came to my house and could not get in.

Uhm...I don't think so.

No - I inform her I was here all day and if they had called like they said they would and/or rang the doorbell and/or knocked on the door, I would have let them in. She couldn't tell me what time they came, because apparently there is no accountability as to logging such things when you work for this company. But they did leave another tag on the door.

Uhm...I don't think so.

I go to both doors and look...no tag. Then I kind of blew up on her. I'm really tired of dealing with these nuts. She of course does the obligatory apology and then asks if I want to reschedule for Sunday. The conversation proceeds as follows:

ME: NO....I have Church on Sunday.

Cable Chick: Oh, OK, well, how about next week then?

ME: Excuse me?? I can't sit here all day long waiting for you people to show up again! I have a full-time job!! How do you think I pay for this cable??!

Cable Chick: Oh, I understand ma'am...

ME: NO...I don't think you do!

Cable Chick: Well....I'm not sure what else we can do

ME: I'm sure you're not sure! I suppose I have to try and find a day that I can re-arrange everything for you guys AGAIN! I'll tell you this much, if I stay home all day long waiting for them again, they better break down the door if they have to to get in here and take care of this mess!

Cable Chick: I understand ma'am...

ME: And one other thing....that note they left the other day said my service would be discontinued if this was not corrected. I would expect that under no circumstances will my service be disrupted over this, because if it is I'm going to throw the biggest conniption fit you've ever seen!

Cable Chick: I understand ma'am....I'll be sure to update your file with that information.

ME: .................................(silence because now I'm just too mad to talk at all)

Cable Chick: Well ma'am, while I have you on the phone I would like to tell you about our latest movie channel offer for just $17 a month....

ME: Are you kidding me??!

Cable Chick: Oh, so you're not interested....

I hate the cable company. I really do.

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