Tuesday, August 4, 2009

America's Roller Coast

If you live in North Central Ohio, you know immediately what the title to this blog means. Ah yes, the joy that is Cedar Point. We spent the day there Saturday. That's right, Saturday. After an entire week of Bible School. After I bought a house. And we moved me in. And had to spend 2 days after that cleaning out the apartment.

I think we've lost our minds.

It was our company picnic. Though it really just amounted to them giving us discounted tickets, because there wasn't really anything company oriented about it. But at the time they offered the tickets, of course we didn't know the insanity that would be our lives, so we took them. So Saturday Mom, Hezzo, Adam, Megan (Adam's girlfriend) and myself headed up north.

Cedar Point is a cool place if you like the big roller coasters. I mean, the BIG coasters. Problem is, I seem to have developed a fear of heights over the last few years. That's not a good phobia to have if you're going to ride BIG roller coasters. That, and I've gotten a bit BIG myself. So, riding is not comfortable....therefore, I don't do much of it anymore. (Maybe if I'd get rid of some of the weight I'd lose some of the phobia too, but who knows...)

So, Hezzo rode some of the rides with Adam and Megan, and mom and I did a lot of people watching. Believe me, you will see all kinds of folks roaming around an amusement park like that. All kinds. Some are scary...some are sad...some are really nice...some are kind of rude...some make you laugh...some make you want to run as fast as you can in the other direction.

It takes all kinds to make the world turn round, right??!

Trust me....you will find all kinds there!


  1. I wonder if anyone there looked at us and said "it takes all kinds to make a world"

  2. Probably did! especially when you needed food and looked like a zombie sitting on the bench!
