Monday, March 30, 2009

That Used to Be Me...

I've been reconnecting with some old high school friends recently. This is our 20 year reunion year. 20 years! When did that happen??

It does sound strange to hear everyone talking about their kids...their spouses...their aches and pains and...well, grown-up stuff. I mean, we're still young, right? We can't be getting older! Can we?? Slowly the truth begins to creep up on you, and it is is a sickening stench...

Have you ever heard someone talk about getting older...and all the younger people laugh like "Oh yes, I understand what you mean as I'm going through it also", but they're really thinking "HA - getting old is never going to happen to me, buddy!!" And then the older people laugh like "Oh, it's nice that you understand what we're going through", when they're actually thinking "You stupid, stupid will grab you also by the throat faster than you realize!"

Well, they're right. One day it just slaps you in the face. My doctor had to prescribe blood pressure pills for me the other day. What?? That's an old person medicine! And then, to make it worse...I got gout! GOUT!! Who in the world named that disease?? (As painful as it is, they could have at least given it a decent name!!) 37 year olds are not supposed to have gout!

So, I've realized I'm not the spry young chick I used to be. (At least, that my mind used to think I was!) Oh well, it's a waltz we all have to dance someday. I'll is better than the alternative. I guess it's not so bad being on this side of the dirt....

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I too am experiencing the "old age"'s very scary. As for having the Gout (it's hard not to laugh at you for it, especially when Granny Brown asked me what it was!) I had the wonderful "Shingles" 2 years ago...SHINGLES! As soon as I told Dad what I was diagnosed with he said "That's an old person disease isn't it?" How embarrassing. I'm right there with you Becky! (Actually 2 yrs. behind :-)
