Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm back!!!! Under a mound of snow!!!

Well, here I am...blogging again. I really enjoyed this when I was doing it before. Then life went all crazy...buying a house seemed to have a lot to do with that. But I'm gonna try to hit it again, at least periodically here. I think the voices in my head should have someone else listen to them besides just me....

So, it is February 15, and apparently we have moved to the Arctic Circle. Up until just a couple weeks ago, the weather hadn't been too terribly bad this year. Then came February. That groundhog must have been really ticked off the morning they woke him up to ask him if winter was over or not, because he's really socked it to us here. (Does anyone else find it very strange we rely on a giant rodent to predict the weather??)

So, first it was freezing. Like, so cold that you could feel your nose hairs turning to ice. (Believe me, that's cold!) Then, we got like 13 inches of "accumulation". (That's our fancy weatherman terminology for "Good Gravy, it's snowing AGAIN!") And everybody spent a day digging out. Then we got 4 or 5 more inches. And everyone dug out some more. Now it's snowing again. This is ridiculous. We tried driving through our local Target parking lot the other day. I felt like we were in the Himalaya's. Snow mountains piled up everywhere....I could almost hear the yodeling....

But, such as is winter in Ohio. Why, we even had freezing fog a few days ago. Freezing Fog. Now that is some wild stuff. Even for this neck of the woods.

But we'll tough it out and hope it won't last too much longer. And that our basements don't all flood when all this mess starts to melt. And try to remember one more time why on earth we live in this glorious state.....

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