Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Magna Cum Not So Much

One of the objectives my boss gave me at my last performance review was to get some education under my belt. See, insurance is one of those grand professions where you can take classes and get designations that show your mental fortitude to memorize all kinds of fun and interesting facts about things like discreet probability management and loss severity distribution and the factors that should be considered in selecting a domicile and.....well, have your eyes glazed over yet?

Imagine how I feel.

When I was in grade school, test preparation was not this difficult. I mean, I could read a sentence and comprehend it. "Jack and Jill went up the hill." Got it. A dude and a chick, climbing an incline. If they asked me, "Who went up the hill with Jack?", odds are I'd have a pretty good shot at giving the correct answer. In high school, I could study 1/2 hour prior to a test and get at worst, a B. (OK, unless it was math or science. Those took a bit more effort.) In college, had to work a little harder, but you know...I survived my classes pretty well. I knew how to read a text and prepare for a test.

What has happened to me?!

Somewhere between 18 and 38, things have really fallen apart. My brain does not engage like it is obviously supposed to do. Now, I know I'm not stupid. I mean, I work in insurance, for the love of Pete! I have spent the last 4 weeks deciphering the legal jargon of the General Statutes of the state of Connecticut! I understand insurance policy wording! I can quote passages from the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act for you! (Wouldn't you just love to have me come to your next party?!)

But set me down in the evening with the ever compelling "Risk Management and Insurance", and my mind is mush.

2 more weeks of this may just send me right over the edge.

I just hope I can keep my mind intact long enough to remind my boss that the goal was to take classes.

She never said anything about passing them....

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